Monday, July 20, 2009

One Month...

Our precious one is now one month old! So much has happened this last month, but I especially want to share the victories! She had her heart echo done and they only found a pinhole size hole in her heart. We haven't met with the doctor yet concerning this, but we believe that means just a watchful eye and no surgery nor medications. The other victory comes with her ability to begin nursing!!! She has the strength now to latch on for an average of two minutes. We are so proud of her progress and hope to soon be nursing full-time. She has gained weight to about a 7.9 pounds and has grown 1 1/2 inches. I'll post a more recent picture when I can.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Rachel,
    Your precious Lylah is a blessing to a lot of people. We praise God with you for her good health and strength for nursing. And we continue to believe with you that she will be nursing full-time soon.

    Love you all!
