Monday, July 20, 2009

gift packages

I love a beautifully wrapped package. One can browse the aisles selecting various colors, stickers, twirls and stuffings to make the perfect presentation. I am in awe at the gift packages God brings into our lives. His creative presentations keep us on our toes, and we can never know what to expect. Our huge suprise of Lylah has brought with her many small gift packages too! This past weekend we were blessed immensly by the company of another like-minded family whose daughter of 3 years has Downs Syndrome. Of course, there were eight other children who delighted us as well. It was one of those experiences that was so refreshing, I just keep replaying the conversations and admonitions given to us. This family truly has walked in the presence of God and one can feel His presence within their home. Not only did we talk for hours, there were games, great outdoor fun and incredible food. The evening came to such a peaceful closure as children shared songs on instruments and scriptures they had memorized. Most amazing was watching their daughters quote the entire book of James! The mother reminded me of another very dear friend of mine in Florida...very gentle but honest in her leading. We went away inspired once again to become very consistent with our children, promtly training and always loving. The daughters sent us away with wonderful handiworks they had made for the baby....blankets, booties, burp rags and doilies. Oh to be such a refreshment to others is my dream for my family!!!! In what ways have you refreshed someone today?

1 comment:

  1. What a blessing. God is so good to give us what we need when we most need it!

    Your family is precious and dear to us!
