Tuesday, May 3, 2011

"There's Something special about her...."

We were taking a walk when our sweet neighbor came out with a little dress she had picked up for Lylah.  She was so excited when she saw it and couldn't resist.  Lylah apparently loved it too as she grabbed it and hugged it sending out a huge smile for her "thank you".  I don't know what spurs on certain conversations, but she ended up talking about her first daughter whom she lost at birth.  I had known a little about it, but didn't know to the extent of what she had to endure.  Oh how agonizing to have carried this precious life all the way to the end and then she died 2 days before her due date.  The umbilical cord had wrapped and hung her.  Through tears and smiles she continued on to share why that day was also so very important to her.  You see, the day before (Saturday) she was having a garage sale and while working she felt a very severe surge of the baby straightening herself inside.  After that moment, she noticed she didn't feel movement.   Sunday came and church.  She noticed throughout the day there was no movement.  Her mom had offered to take her to the hospital.  She declined because she felt deeply that she wanted to be baptized.  So she went to the evening service and was baptized.  Immediately following the service, she went to the hospital where she received the news that indeed her baby had passed away.  More tears followed by a huge smile...she knew that God had indeed been with her and that her baby was taken straight to heaven.  She was very encouraged to know that her baby never had to see one day of this ugly world and never had to endure one day of heartache.  So there on the street we cried and shared in the beauty of God's peace he gives us in our time of trial. 
Lylah had sat very quietly in her stroller this entire time and we just happened to look over to her.  Can you imagine what we saw?  Lylah too had a tear slowly trickling down her cheek.    Oh my...a wave of emotion swept over us all as somehow our precious Lylah seemed to know the hearts and feelings of what was going on.  She wasn't crying though...she had a beautiful, peaceful smile that seemed to speak indeed God is good!  Our sweet neighbor bent down and embraced little Lylah letting out a stream of tears, while Lylah patiently let her and never pulled away.  After hugging Lylah intently, she then hugged me and thanked God for Lylah and how precious she is.  She affirmed over and over her love for Lylah and how God created her beautifully and there is indeed something special about her.....

Oh precious sisters....are we feeling the hearts of those around us?  Do we mourn with those who mourn and celebrate in moments of victory?  I thank the Lord for the lessons I am learning from the heart of Lylah!

Monday, May 2, 2011

I waited 22 months for this!!!!

For those of you on this same journey, you understand the hidden emotions of delay. Sure, we can be strong at times and even speak boldly that our precious ones will reach these landmarks in their own time. But if we were to be honest, there are things that we long for and hope for to ensure to us that our child is indeed progressing. And so I waited...and waited...and waited...I watched her progress slowly in different areas, but I still never heard the spoken word. Oh yes, she definately has a vibrant sign vocabulary now at 20 words and I know what she wants and I know she knows who we are. So after 22 months of waiting the only word she could audibly say was "ya" for yes. Occasionally she blurts out "at" for cat. But this time was different.
During her therapy session she was walking about the house showing her therapist how she has been able to walk the length of the house. Ms. Faith then said, "Where's Lylah? Does Lylah want to come to mamma?" As clear as lightning in a storm, Lylah respond with a resounding "mamma, mamma, mamma, mamma"...all the way to my arms! Oh how much can a heart melt? Oh how tight can arms hug? It was truly the most deepest of emotion that overwhelmed my spirit. Time froze and I pondered these things in my heart.
That was last week. I haven't heard it since. But sometimes God brings so much hope to a soul that you can't help but embrace each day with new faith and new hope in God's compassionate mercies that are new every morning.
When was the last time that your heavenly Father heard "ABBA, ABBA, ABBA.....?" Oh, that I remember to call him and run to his open arms!